Transcription of letter
Kennetpans 8th Dec 1786
I am favd with yours of 20th Ult. advg you was to send me drawings by that day or the following, Sheffield Coach, with writen dimentions to be observed & followed by Mr Meickle & Mr Muir. Muir arrived here this fornoon but as I have heard nothing as yet of the drawings & directions for the Engine I have sent of a servant this day to Edinr to enquire after them as they certainly must be here before now, so soon as they come to hand I will get on with the errections with all possible haste
I have invoice of the cylinder & foundry & other articles forward me by Mr John Wilkinson of 22nd Ult. Am tg. to £85.11 they were shipped the 15th Ult. from Chester to Liverpool from that to go by first opportunity for London care of Messrs Sandeman & Grahamn London which is well. I hope it will not be long before they arrive safe at London & be reshipped for this.
Be pleased to write me of this £85.11 be to be remitted by me to Mr Wilkinson Ready money & if any dist. for money or if I shall leave the whole to you to pay & me to remit you as wanted.
Mr Muir tells me they shall want three guineas just now, shall I let him have it & any little money that he may afterwards want. Mr Muir says there will be some Cement wanted for the Engine Boiler, that and anything that is light & can be forwarded to London by the Waggon or Cannals will soon find its way here after it reaches Messrs Sandeman & Graham London.
I am
Your most Obt. Sert.
John Stein