Audio Articles

Listen to an old Clackmannan song that refers to picking fruit at Kennetpans  ‘Doon The Craw Road’. Listen to Alex Salmond talking about his time working at the Stein Brickworks on Desert Island Discs 16th January 2011. (Stein brickworks is discussed from...

The Story So Far

Feb 2011 We have started cutting down the trees and ivy in and around the distillery building. Historic Scotland have had two site visits and we await their reports on the stabilisation procedure. They have also reiterated the historical importance of this site but...

Port of Kennetpans

Artists Impression of the Port of Kennetpans This is a copy of an original picture lent to us by Mr Stokes of Kincardine. I would imagine the picture gives a fairly accurate impression of the port at its peak, with one or two exceptions. There was never the distance...

Bow Street Distillery

1780 – 1971 Founded by John Stein of Kennetpans. John Jameson, originally from Alloa, was related to the Steins / Haig’s through marriage. John became manager at Stein’s Bow Street distillery before taking full ownership in 1805. By 1810 it had been officially...

Hattonburn Distillery

Near Kinross Reputed to make the worst whisky in Scotland Founded in 1780 by William Young, later to belong to Andrew Stein (1741 – 1828). Andrew became the Provost of St Andrews.