by administrator | Aug 11, 2015 | Must Read
29th July 2015 AOC Archaeology have finished their Archaeological Evaluations within the distillery building and we managed to take some photographs before they refilled the holes. The last hole revealed something very exciting! Look closer IF ONLY....
by Fiona | Aug 6, 2015 | Work Begins on Ruin
27/07/15 – 31/07/15 Archaeological Evaluations within main distillery. Work carried out by AOC Archaeology. See Images 10/08/15 – 21/08/15 Vegetation clearance within and along outside walls of main distillery building. Work carried out by The Conservation...
by administrator | Feb 13, 2015 | Must Read
“Despite Kennetpans demise as a distillery in 1825, it is the most significant building remaining in Scotland that evolved directly from to the industrialisation of the 18th century and the vision of the Stein family. In essence, it is part of the DNA of the modern...
by Fiona | Aug 18, 2012 | Kennetpans Needs You
There are three ways to make a donation to the Kennetpans Trust Cheque or Postal Order Send a cheque (made out to Kennetpans Trust) or postal order to:KennetpansTrust 3 The Cottages Kennetpans Clackmannan FK10 4BW Bank Transfer Bank transfer to Kennetpans Trust...
by administrator | Nov 4, 2011 | Must Read
by Fiona | Jun 9, 2011 | James Haig Canonmills
Petition of James Haig and Company for Sequestration Inventory of James Haig and Company Minutes of Creditors Meeting 1788 Minutes of Creditors Meeting 1793