by Fiona | Aug 18, 2012 | Kennetpans Needs You
There are three ways to make a donation to the Kennetpans Trust Cheque or Postal Order Send a cheque (made out to Kennetpans Trust) or postal order to:KennetpansTrust 3 The Cottages Kennetpans Clackmannan FK10 4BW Bank Transfer Bank transfer to Kennetpans Trust...
by Fiona | May 29, 2011 | Kennetpans Needs You
There is no doubt of the importance of Kennetpans to Scotland’s past but there is doubt about Kennetpans future. One sad part of clearing away the years of vegetation is it shows the true condition of the ruin. This picture shows the north west corner...
by administrator | Mar 23, 2011 | Kennetpans Needs You
HISTORIC SCOTLAND SCHEDULED MONUMENT KENNETPANS DISTILLERY, CLACKMANNANSHIRE. File Reference: AMH/5012/1/1 Date of Visit: 24 November 2010 Architect’s Report: Graeme F. Bell INTRODUCTION This unroofed and ruinous distillery erected in the 1770’s sits on the north...