by Fiona | Nov 3, 2018 | Stein Distilleries
Clonmel, Ireland 1817 – c1859 Built as a grain mill in 1769 by Stephen Moore. Purchased by John Bogwell and used with great success for making cakes and baking. Purchased by John Stein & Co in 1817 and the distillery was producing 8,268 gallons of whisky per...
by Fiona | Jun 22, 2018 | Stein Distilleries
Apart from this article, which is from The Caledonian Mercury dated September 24th 1821, we know very little about this brewery so if you can supply any information, we would be very grateful.
by Fiona | Jan 18, 2013 | Stein Distilleries
Founded between 1825 & 1836 This distillery changed hands a few times before John Ramsay acquired it in 1836. It was run by him and his descendants until 1920 when it was sold to the Port Ellen Distillery Co Ltd. James Stein married Margaret Ramsay in 1848 and...
by Fiona | Sep 6, 2012 | Stein Distilleries
St Petersburg, Russia Founded by John Stein M.P. (1769 – 1814) John established a porter brewery in Russia obtaining an exclusive license which deprived the Southwark firm Barclay, Perkins and Co of a lively trade. This enterprise was doubtless managed by his...
by Fiona | Jul 22, 2012 | Stein Distilleries
It would appear it was not only distilling the Steins were involved with and they even ventured into banking, with disasterous results. In 1800 The Workington Bank was founded by Messrs Wood, Smith and Stein & Co. Little is known about this bank and only a few...